Daily Journal-Jul 2017

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Revision as of 01:46, 6 July 2017 by MrBitcoin (Talk | contribs)

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Jul 01, 2017: 11:31am updated https://vps1.yellowsprinkles.org/ message with new expected opening date. New York has made the YellowSprinkles.org project near impossibly difficult. Never giving up, just adjusted the time line to something more realistic.
Jul 01, 2017: 5:32pm downloaded, burned, and successfully verified Tails 3.0 ISO.
Jul 02, 2017: 4:30pm spent a good amount of time kicking the tires of Tails 3.0. I'm impressed, but it takes approximately 30 minutes for each reboot and to get logged back in. That amount of time will improve as time goes on.
Jul 02, 2017: 11:46pm successfully tarballed the ethererum chaindata. Going to try using ethereum without having to maintain a complete copy of the entire blockchain since it's quickly consuming massive amounts of storage space and thrashing my SSD.
Jul 02, 2017: 11:51pm hello Parity. Let's see what you can do.
Jul 03, 2017: went grocery shopping
Jul 04, 2017: Independence Day!
Jul 05, 2017: 12:44am read this incredible article and found http://decstack.com/ in the process.
Jul 05, 2017: 1:47am created "YellowSprinkles.org" channel on http://decstack.com/. Met @matias in the process.
Jul 05, 2017: 9:54pm shockingly true video: How I Took The Red Pill And Realized Everything In Our Cult(ure) Is a Lie - Jeff Berwick @ Red Pill
Jul 05, 2017: 11:48pm The bitcoin network is now running at over 5,808,727,020 GH/s according to this article and this page
Jul 06, 2017: 1:04am dropped Authy 2FA in favor of Google Authenticator 2FA for cloudflare login.
Jul 06, 2017: 2:43am updated nameservers of mreth.com to be ns6513 and ns6514.hostgator.com instead of domains4bitcoins.com nameservers.

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