Daily Journal-Apr 2017

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Revision as of 11:06, 10 April 2017 by MrBitcoin (Talk | contribs)

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Apr 07, 2017: 2:42am Resuming construction on this project after taking some much needed time off and reorganization of personal issues.
Apr 07, 2017: 2:47am Rebooted vps1 and updated all ubuntu software to latest versions.
Apr 07, 2017: 3:02am Rebooted vps2 and updated all ubuntu software to latest versions.
Apr 07, 2017: 3:13am Rebooted vps3 and tried to update all ubuntu software to latest versions, but this host is being problematic.
Apr 07, 2017: 3:17am Rebooted vps4 and updated all ubuntu software to latest versions.
Apr 08, 2017: 1:03am Started organizing the collection of photos from the car accident
Apr 08, 2017: 3:55am Have most or all of the accident photos organized in one folder on drive.google.com under Long-Term Disability -> accident photos
Apr 08, 2017: 5:33am Some of the first photos are now published on http://foundation.glencooper.com/accident-photos
Apr 09, 2017: 12:30pm awoke from a morning nap with an idea of how to combine vanitygen + crystamped + bitcoin in a way that will be cool and profitable, but the internet was down in such a way that I wasn't able to record the idea in the wiki.
Apr 09, 2017: 12:35pm the internet came back up, idea recorded!
Apr 09, 2017: 12:36pm started installing supervanitygen on vps1
Apr 10, 2017: found that backups are still failing on hostgator even though inodes count has been reduced to under 100,000. Manually created backup job saving to home directory. Need to check it tomorrow after the replacement hard drive cable arrives.

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